Proposal: Collection Literals
Neal Gafter
neal at
Mon Mar 30 17:40:31 PDT 2009
This approach precludes some designs for reifying generics in the
future because it is defined by the implicit creation of non-reified
interfaces (e.g. List, etc). It isn't clear if we'll ever add
reification, but it would be a shame to restrict or remove our option
to do so. You can avoid this by not implicitly tying language
constructs to particular existing interfaces.
On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 4:30 PM, Joshua Bloch <jjb at> wrote:
> Folks,
> Hi. I'd like to throw one more proposal into the Coin purse. This proposal
> is intended to coexist with indexing access syntax for lists and maps. It
> is similar to Shams Mahmood Imam's Concise Collection Initialization Syntax
> proposal, but represents a different point in the design space. It is safer
> (in that it only produces immutable collections) and more concise (in that
> you need not specify the implementation type). It is likely to be higher in
> space and time performance, in that the compiler can choose efficient
> implementations for small collections (such as empty collections and
> singletons). On the other hand, it is less flexible, in that you
> cannot specify
> the implementation type.
> The proposal can be found here:
> , and is reproduced below
> as required by the submission guidelines.
> Regards,
> Josh
> Collection Literals
> *AUTHOR: *Joshua Bloch
> FEATURE SUMMARY: Add support for immutable List, Set, and Map literals, with
> a syntax similar to that of array initializers.
> MAJOR ADVANTAGE: Reduces verbosity and adds clarity when creating small
> lists, sets, and maps and whose contents are known at compile time. This
> feature is well-liked in the many languages that support it (e.g., Perl,
> Python).
> MAJOR DISADVANTAGE: The facility can be abused to simulate named parameters,
> resulting in loss of type safety. Hopefully people won't do this.
> ALTERNATIVES: Typically programmers create an empty collection and insert
> the initial elements or mappings. Sometimes they use Arrays.asList. It is
> also possible to abuse anonymous classes to reduce verbosity ("crazybob's
> contraption"). Arguably the current best practice for creating immutable
> collections is to use the builder pattern, as demonstrated by the immutable
> collections in the Google
> Collections<>
> project.
> SIMPLE EXAMPLES: Here is a code fragment to create an immutable list as it
> would be done today:
> final List<Integer> piDigits =
> Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(
> 3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 9 ));
> The method invocations (Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList) are just
> noise. With list literals, it would look like this:
> final List<Integer> piDigits = [3, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 2, 6, 5, 3, 5, 9];
> By substituting curly braces for the square brackets, you get a set literal
> in place of a list:
> final Set<Integer> primes = { 2, 7, 31, 127, 8191, 131071, 524287 };
> Here is the empty set literal:
> Set<Senator> honestSenators = {};
> Here is a code fragment to create an immutable map as it would be done
> today:
> final Map<Integer, String> platonicSolids;
> static {
> solids = new LinkedHashMap<Map<Integer, String>;
> solids.put(4, "tetrahedron");
> solids.put(6, "cube");
> solids.put(8, "octahedron");
> solids.put(12, "dodecahedron");
> solids.put(20, "icosahedron");
> platonicSolids = Collections.immutableMap(solids);
> }
> Here’s how it would look with map literals:
> final Map<Integer, String> platonicSolids = { 4 : "tetrahedron",
> 6 : "cube", 8 : "octahedron", 12 : "dodecahedron", 20 : "icosahedron"
> };
> Here is the empty map literal, which has a slightly irregular syntax to make
> it differ from the empty set:
> Map<String, Integer> noJokeHere = { : };
> In all cases, the iteration order of collection literal corresponds to the
> order in which the elements or keys appear in the code. Collections
> literals are serializable (assuming their elements, keys or values are
> serializable). List literals implement java.util.RandomAccess (dynamically,
> but not statically).
> COMPLEX EXAMPLES: Here is a nested list literal:
> List<List<Integer>> pascalsTriangle =
> [[1],
> [1, 1],
> [1, 2, 1],
> [1, 3, 3, 1],
> [1, 4, 6, 4, 1]];
> Note that the element type of the list literal (and the key and value types
> of the map literal) are inferred by the compiler. As is the case when
> invoking parameterized methods, the compiler cannot always infer the desired
> type. For example this list literal will not compile, as the compiler will
> infer the wrong element type:
> final List<Number> numbers = [ 2, 2.718281828 ];
> (Instead of Number, the compiler will infer Number & Comparable<? extends
> Number & Comparable<?>>.) Therefore, we provide a similar "escape hatch"
> that lets you specify the element (or key and value) types manually. Like
> its method invocation analogue, it isn't pretty, and programmers will rarely
> have to use it in practice:
> final List<Number> numbers = *<Number>* [ 2, 2.718281828 ];
> * *
> SPECIFICATION: What follows is not intended to be a formal JLS-quality
> specification. It emphasizes brevity and clarity over thoroughness.
> SYNTAX: Two new expression types would be defined in JLS 15, *List Literals*
> , *Set Literals*, and *Map Literals*:
> *ListLiteral*:
> *NonWildTypeArgument**opt** [* *List**ElementInitializers**opt ] *
> *ListElementInitializers*:
> *Expression*
> *List**ElementInitializers ,* *Expression*
> *NonWildTypeArgument:*
> * *< *ReferenceType *>
> *SetLiteral*:
> *NonWildTypeArgument**opt** *{ *SetElementInitializers**opt } *
> *SetElementInitializers*:
> *AugmentedConstant**Expression*
> *SetE**lementInitializers ,* *AugmentedConstant**Expression*
> *NonWildTypeArgument:*
> * *< *ReferenceType *>
> *MapLiteral*:
> *NonWildTypeArgumentPair**opt** *{ *Entry**Initializers** } *
> * NonWildTypeArgumentPairopt EmptyMapLiteral*
> *EntryInitializers*:
> *AugmentedConstant**Expression* : *Expression*
> Entry*Initializers ,* *EntryInitializer*
> *NonWildTypeArgumentPair:*
> * *<* ReferenceType , ReferenceType *>
> *EmptyMapLiteral*
> * *{ : }
> The following expression type would be added to (or immediately following)
> JLS §15.28, which currently defines the term constant expression, and the
> corresponding nonterminal symbol *ConstantExpression*:
> *AugmentedConstant**Expression:*
> An *augmented constant expression* is a generalization of a constant
> expression that allows several additional kinds of expressions:
> - enum constants (JLS §8.9)
> - class literals (JLS §8.9)
> - set literals (JLS 15.8.2)
> - lists literals all of whose element initializers are themselves
> augmented constant expressions
> - map literals all of whose value initializers are themselves augmented
> constant expressions
> SEMANTICS and COMPILATION: A list literal behaves roughly as if replaced by
> the following "desugaring":
> Arrays. *NonWildTypeArguments**opt* asUnmodifiableList( *
> ElementInitializers* )
> This desugaring assumes the existence of a new library method,
> asUnmodifiableList, described below under Library Support. Note that type
> inference of the element type for the list literal is exactly as if the
> following method were invoked with *ElementInitializers *as as actual
> parameters:
> <E> void foo(E... args) { }
> A set literal b*ehaves roughly as if replaced by the following desugaring:*
> Collections.unmodifiableSet(Arrays. *NonWildTypeArguments**opt* asList(
> *ElementInitializers* ))
> *It is a compile time error for a set literal to contain multiple equal
> element values.* Therefore, the size of the set (as reported by the
> size method)
> is the number of element initializers.
> In both desugarings above, the wiggle word "roughly" is used in that there
> is no guarantee that the indicated methods (Arrays.asUnmodifiableList,
> Collections.unmodifiableSet, Arrays.asList) methods are actually called.
> Moreover,* there **are no guarantees as to the implementation types of the
> collections produced by collection literals.* The compiler can call any
> public Java SE APIs to construct any List, Set, or Map implementations with
> the correct semantics (immutability, iteration order, serializability and,
> in the case of lists, RandomAccess). So, for example, if a list literal has
> no elements, the compiler can emit a call to Collections.emptyList. Similarly,
> if a list literal has a single element, the compiler can emit a call to
> Collections.singletonList. Many other such optimizations are possible, and
> new ones may become available in subsequent releases.
> A map literal behaves as if replaced by the following desugaring:
> Arrays. *NonWildTypeArguments**opt* #unmodifiableMap(
> * #gather( k0, k1, ... kn-1 ),*
> * #gather( v0, v1, ... vn-1 ))*
> where ki and vi are the keys and value expressions in the ith
> EntryInitializer in EntryInitializers, and #gather and #unmodifiableMap are the
> following hypothetical methods:
> private static <T> T[] #gather(T... args) {
> return args;
> }
> private static <K, V> Map<K, V> #unmodifiableMap(K[] keys, V[] vals) {
> Map <K, V> m = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>(2 * keys.length);
> for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
> m.put(keys[i], vals[i]);
> return Collections.unmodifiableMap(m);
> }
> The compiler does not actually emit calls to the methods #unmodifiableMap
> and #gather (which don't exist), but emulates their behavior. These methods
> are merely an artifice to describe the semantics of the construct, including
> type inference.
> *It is a compile time error for a map literal to contain multiple equal key
> values.* Therefore, the size of the map (as reported by the size method) is
> the number of entry initializers.
> TYPE SYSTEM: The proposal has no effect on the type system.
> TESTING: The proposed construct can be tested by writing list and map
> literals to generate lists and maps of various lengths (say 0 through 100)
> and types, and ensuring that these collections have the correct behavior by
> using preexisting tests for immutable collections, which are part of the Google
> Collections <> project. (These
> tests will have to be modified slightly, but it will be straightforward.)
> LIBRARY SUPPORT: The following method (which is trivial to implement) will
> be added to java.util.arrays:
> /**
> * Returns a fixed-size, unmodifiable list backed by the specified
> array.
> * (Any changes to the array "write through" to the list.) Attempting
> to
> * modify the list will result in an {@link
> UnsupportedOperationException}.
> *
> * <p>The returned list is serializable and implements {@link
> RandomAccess}.
> *
> * @param a the array by which the list will be backed
> * @return an unmodifiable list view of the specified array
> */
> public static <T> List<T> asUnmodifiableList(T... a);
> The compiler may (but is not required to) emit calls to this method in the
> implementation of list literals. It may also be desirable to add some
> library support for immutable sets or lists (akin to that provided by the
> Google Collections project), but this isn't necessary for the proposal to go
> forward, and the compiler can take advantage of such support in whatever
> release it happens to be added.
> REFLECTIVE APIS: This proposal has no effect on core reflective APIs. The tree
> API inside javac<>
> would require a minor extension.
> OTHER CHANGES: No other parts of the platform need be to be updated.
> MIGRATION: Existing manual list, set, and map construction code could be
> replaced by more concise list and map literals, but this is not necessary.
> * *
> BREAKING CHANGES: All previously valid programs remain valid, and their
> semantics is unaffected.
> * *
> EXISTING PROGRAMS: Source and class files of earlier versions are unaffected
> by the feature. No new overloadings or overridings can occur.
> * *
> EXISTING BUGS: 4632701 <>,
> 6237556 <>.
> Assuming we make sure that no syntactic ambiguity would result, a future
> release could allow certain collection literals as annotation values. This
> is *not *proposed for Project Coin, but should inform the work.
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