closures after all?

Mark Mahieu markmahieu at
Thu Nov 19 00:46:31 PST 2009


I suppose I should have guessed that a deliberately silly bit of code like this would get linked to or reproduced in edited form elsewhere (without my 'tongue-in-cheek' disclaimer).

So, for the bloody record:

1) I have absolutely no idea whether it will ever be considered valid Java.
2) Even if it will be valid, I don't think it's remotely representative of code which will use ARM, or closures, or both.
3) Even if it will be valid, and someone decides to write something like this, I don't think it will be hard to understand what it does.
4) 'YOUR HEAD A SPLODE' refers to the mixing of ARM and closures, which some on this list may find mildly ironic.  It was not intended as serious commentary on the potential uses of those features, individually or in tandem.  If I have serious concerns to raise at some point, I probably won't choose to back them up by quoting an animated mexican wrestler.

On the other hand, I was serious about it being interesting to investigate the interaction between the various language features.

Sincere apologies for any confusion (!)


On 18 Nov 2009, at 23:49, Mark Mahieu wrote:

> Well it'll be interesting to see the official details, and (to bring it back on topic) see how it interacts with Coin's language enhancements.
> // tongue in cheek
> try (Closeable closure = #() { System.out.println("YOUR HEAD A SPLODE"); }) {
> 	// ...
> }
> Mark

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