New protocol for disabling exception suppression

Bruce Chapman brucechapman at
Tue Apr 5 03:00:28 PDT 2011

On 5/04/2011 2:41 p.m., joe.darcy at wrote:
> I could see an argument for adding analogous protected constructors to
> java.lang.{Exception, RuntimeException, Error} to allow non-platform
Without analogous constructors I don't think it will be possible to make 
a checked exception with suppressed disabled.

So long as users can make their own checked and unchecked exceptions 
with suppression disabled that should be enough.

> exceptions to control this behavior.  However, just as not all exception
> types have a full complement of the existing four Throwable
> constructors, very, very few exceptions types need a constructor that
> allows suppression to be disabled.  In particular, there are no plans to
> go through and retrofit a bunch of these constructors into the majority
> of the exception types defined in the platform.
> -Joe

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