Multiline string literals
Weijun Wang at
Sat Aug 6 20:26:45 PDT 2011
This is an interesting topic.
1. I don't like a platform-dependent \n vs \r\n decision. Either you
must provide U or W at the end, or the default is always \n. The same
program compiling to different classes on different platforms just seems
2. I prefer never escape anything. If you do want to put """ inside a
string, do not using the new format.
3. I care more about other kind of white spaces. The de-indentation
trick in the proposal should work in most cases. How about TABs in the
string? How about trailing spaces? Most IDEs will remove trailing spaces.
On 08/07/2011 04:30 AM, Ruslan Shevchenko wrote:
> 1. Last submission: 1.4 for multiine string literals is
> which in many aspects differ from first version.
> Also, I maintain 'post-morten' final version:
> which can be used as starting point, if Oracle decide to receive
> proposals about language direction from external world with reopening
> or creation of some analog of project coin. [my estimation for
> probability of such case is not very hight.]
> 2. In general, this proposal describe multiline strings as they
> implemented in scala and groovy now. One problem with this: """ are
> IDE-unfriendly: complexity of implementing mulitline string support
> for groovy in netbeans shows this.
> So, now I think that """" symbols in proposal is better change to
> pair of "( )" (and '( )' for row string literals), simular
> to brackets for multiline string literals in C++0x
> Regards !
> On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 6:12 PM, Per Bothner<per at> wrote:
>> On 08/06/2011 03:41 AM, Peter Reilly wrote:
>>> Now that jdk7 is released and there will shortly be a process for
>>> asking for new small features in jdk8, I would like to ask that
>>> support for multiline string literals be considered.
>>> This is a long standing request and a specific proposal is contained in:
>> I think it would be a mistake for multiline string literals to have
>> the ending delimiter be the same as the starting delimiter. It seems
>> lie it would make things more difficult for IDEs. Using """ also seems
>> prone to syntax errors with possibly-confusing error messages. And it makes
>> it harder to scan the text (visually or with tools) for matching delimiters.
>> I also think this is a questionable idea:
>> String platformDepended="""q
>> """;
>> is 'q\n' if compiled on Unix and 'q\n\r' if compiled on Windows.
>> This make the meaning of a program depend on which platform
>> it is compiled on. Probably not something we want. You could
>> change it to depend on the program it is *run* on, by defining it
>> in terms of line.separator - that would make more sense.
>> --
>> --Per Bothner
>> per at
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