Multiline string literals

Stephen Colebourne scolebourne at
Mon Aug 8 02:56:39 PDT 2011

For those wanting to understand Maurizio's suggestion more, see how
Fantom handles this:


On 8 August 2011 09:16, Maurizio Cimadamore
<maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
> On 07/08/11 14:54, Artur Biesiadowski wrote:
>> Because it is not only about multiline literals, it is about avoiding
>> escaping common expressions - in particular, "" delimited strings.
>> This is why somebody was discussing 'single line multiline string
>> literal' here ;)
> Hi,
> it seems to me that we are asking for a silver bullet that solves all
> our string-related problems; how much would we need escaping for
> delimited strings if we had explicit syntax support for XML, JSON (etc.)
> literals (possibly checked at compile-time against a schema?) - at the
> end of the day, a string is a string - there's nothing much the compiler
> can do about it; on the other hand, most of the examples of multiline
> strings I've seen in this discussion do have a 'structure' that can be
> checked.
> Maurizio
>> Regards,
>> Artur Biesiadowski
>> On 07/08/2011 13:36, Rémi Forax wrote:
>>> An why not using " ?
>>> why do we need a different syntax for single line and multiple lines
>>> string literals ?

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