Howto disable server-class machine detection system wide?

Peter B. Kessler Peter.Kessler at Sun.COM
Wed Aug 8 13:56:51 PDT 2007

Clemens Eisserer wrote:

> Hello,
> I recently upgraded my Linux-Laptop to 2GB Ram because I guess
> compatible memory won't be as cheap as now soon ;)
> However this means I've now a server-class machine, (Core2Duo + 2GB
> Ram), which is quite nerving because the server-compiler is used all
> the time, although I use this machine mostly for desktop apps.
> The only system-wide solution I found was to replace in
> /server with the client-jvm but I am not really happy with that.
> Are there better soltions to disable server-class machine detection
> _system wide_, like a global config file which contains options used
> all the time (also for webstart and the plugin)?
> Thank you in advance, lg Clemens

This topic has nothing to do with the Java compiler.  Or anything
to do with the OpenJDK project.  It's a JVM usage question, and
probably better suited to the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) forum

If you post it there, you'll probably get responses from others
who have addressed this problem.  (If it is a problem.)

			... peter

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