Howto disable server-class machine detection system wide?

Clemens Eisserer linuxhippy at
Wed Aug 8 15:26:42 PDT 2007

Hello again,

>  Are you finding performance, startup time or other issues in this
> case?
Perceived performance and latency with GUI applications is my largest problem.

>  What kind of applications are you frequently using?  How are you
> launching
> them?
Java-Applets and Eclipse mostly, so more or less destop application
which don't benefit from the longer compilation times/better code

> This topic has nothing to do with the Java compiler.  Or anything
> to do with the OpenJDK project.
I already asked at but got no response. As far as I
can see there is no way for the official java binaries to disable
server-class detection system-wide, right?
If so, I'll file a bug-report.

lg Clemens

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