for review (S): 6610906: inexplicable IncompatibleClassChangeError

John Rose John.Rose at Sun.COM
Mon Dec 10 19:46:04 PST 2007

It looks like we've switched now away from the internal aliases.

Here's a code review I recently sent internally, which really should  
have been external.

Vladimir, Tom, Steve:  Thanks for the reviews; I'll put you in the  
changeset comment as soon as I learn your OpenJDK names.

Non-Sun people:  Welcome to the party!

-- John

Begin forwarded message:

From: John Rose <John.Rose at Sun.COM>
Date: December 5, 2007 6:46:46 PM PST
To: hs-compiler Compiler <hs-compiler at>
Cc: Mark Reinhold <mr at>
Subject: for review (S): 6610906: inexplicable  

-- John

P.S.  This is my first stumble toward a mercurial-based putback....

To get a more "open" feel for this review, I put this webrev up on an  
external site.
The repo. is on my MacBook.  I think only the Bugster interactions  
have required SWAN access.

However, I'm sending the request to our internal mail alias, not the  
openjdk group alias.
Also, this putback can't go anywhere yet, since the parent repo.  
(hotspot-comp) is still the experimental one.
(My repo. is freshly cloned from 
hotspot .)

I generated the webrev using this command:
   /java/devtools/share/bin/webrev  -ON -i 6610906-comments.html

The contents of the "author comments" file looks like this:

For putback to <a href=" 
<br><a href=" 
bug_id=6610906">6610906</a>: inexplicable IncompatibleClassChangeError
<br>Summary: dependency check must treat polymorphic interfaces  
<br>Reviewed-by: ??

I'll strip the formatting (which webrev should have put in for me)  
and use it as a changeset comment.

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