Where's the compiler?

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Fri May 18 17:27:12 PDT 2007

As some of you have noticed, the compiler has moved, and grown a few 
extra files, and is now called OpenJDK.

By which I mean that when we open sourced the compiler sources last 
year, they were made available in a readonly subversion repository of 
their own. But the compiler has always been part of JDK, and now that 
JDK has been open sourced, the compiler source files can be found there, 
as part of OpenJDK.  Look for the Subversion link on the left of the 
OpenJDK pages.

But wait, there's more ...

As you know, OpenJDK will sometime soon be changing to use Mercurial, so 
these Subversion repositories are somewhat temporary anyway. We may 
continue to make them available for people's convenience after the 
Mercurial transition, but the real truth will soon be in the Mercurial 

But wait, there's more ...

In the meantime, there's a hiccup in our ability to update the OpenJDK 
webpages, because the new pages themselves are in a new Mercurial 
repository. Once we get access to that one sorted out, we'll update the 
pages with the latest info.

Sorry for the inconvenience; normal service will be resumed as soon as 
possible. Meantime, we really are trying to make this easier for everyone.

-- Jon G

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