Right direction?

Dmytro Sheyko dmytro_sheyko at hotmail.com
Thu May 31 07:54:09 PDT 2007

Could you send tests you use as well?

Just curiosity: Is your experimental feature about 
http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6373386 (RFE: Method 
chaining for instance methods that return void )?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matthias Ernst" <ernst.matthias at gmail.com>
To: <compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net>
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2007 16:19
Subject: Fwd: Right direction?

> Hi,
> I've created an experimental feature, namely cascading for void method
> calls as described on my blog @ http://mernst.org/blog/rss.xml
> (Firefox only :-(  Patches at the end, too.
> I would be glad to hear some comments what you think about the patches
> (not the semantics but the implementation) - did I miss something? A
> hint how I would find out the receiver type for unqualified method
> calls without duplicating the lookup strategy in Attr#visitApply would
> be appreciated, too!
> Thanks
> Matthias

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