small fix for makefile for building on linux

Dalibor Topic robilad at
Thu May 31 13:07:20 PDT 2007

Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Dalibor,
> Thank  you for your suggestions.
thanks for the fast reply, Jonathan!
> j2se/src/share/opensource/javac/Makefile is a file was used in the initial Subversion release of the compiler. It is still used in the source bundle available on the OpenJDK site. As such, it is placed in the root directory of that bundle, which is why SRC_CLASSES is as it is. We have also been working on stopping the transitive compilation of the j2se source tree, and you should see those fixes soon.
ok, looking forward to see them. I'm curious: did you chose to move the 
respective packages around to fit the build script, or did you use a 
method like the one I used for the makefile patch?
> Going forward, we will be focussing on the build.xml file for the compiler, in make/netbeans/compiler.

I'm going to autoconfiscate the compiler for my own needs, as I 
explained on my blog, so ... would you be interested in receiving a 
patch that provides a configure && make && make install build machinery 
for javac? I'll host it on a google code site, or something else, 
otherwise. I am trying to figure out where to diff from, and how to keep 
my set of build system & portability patches small wrt to the javac trunk.

dalibor topic

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