Brian Slesinsky brian at
Thu May 31 23:58:38 PDT 2007

I don't have the code in front of me, but javadoc is definitely in
there.  It's a bit obscure.

For printing code, the javac.tree.Pretty class is a good place to
start.  It doesn't do a full job of it, but you can learn a lot about
the parse tree by reading it.

Some other projects you might find interesting:

- Brian

On 5/31/07, Egidijus Vaisnora <egidijus.vaisnora at> wrote:
> Hello,
>      I am investigating JCTree with possibility to reuse it and faced
> some questions which maybe someone will help to resolve.
>      I was not able to find, where Java documentation is mapped and
> seems any code comments is not mapped either. Is it any possibility to
> have them?
>      Is any JCTree writer available? I just want to accomplish task -
> read code, modify, and write back.
> Thanx,
> --
> Egidijus

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