replace assert by throw new AssertionError

navroop singh aulakh3333 at
Tue Oct 2 18:02:41 PDT 2007

Hey guys

Are you part of the sun JAVA group or Open JDK( developing own javac from
ground up) ?


On 10/2/07, Jonathan Gibbons <Jonathan.Gibbons at> wrote:
> Team,
> javac currently contains assertion statements, and goes out of its way
> to ensure assertions are enabled.
> As such, it would seem better to replace "assert cond: expr" with "if
> (!cond) throw new AssertionError(expr)".
> Then we could remove the code from all the places where we force
> assertions to be enabled for javac.
> Does anyone have comments, especially any reasons why this would *not*
> be a good idea?
> -- Jon

navroop singh
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