Mac usage

Nathan D. Ryan nathan.ryan at
Wed Oct 3 09:28:25 PDT 2007

I'd be in for that. I run Parallels on my PowerBook with OS X,  
Windows, and Linux. It's frustrating being able to successfully test  
things in Windows and Linux but having them fail in OS X due to the  
(let's be honest, goofy) layout and naming of the Java environment.


On Oct 3, 2007, at 10.19, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:

> OK, here's a question I probably shouldn't ask because I'm not sure  
> I want to know the answer ...
> OpenJDK is currently targetted at the Solaris, Windows and Linux  
> platforms. Mac is not a supported platform for OpenJDK. But the  
> langtools component is pure Java and has had a somewhat more  
> liberal notion of platform.
> But, in trying out langtools on the Mac, I've run into some issues,  
> such as the different organization Apple's Java product, most  
> recently, the names of the subdirectories under ${JAVA_HOME}.
> So, I'm wondering how much interest/demand there is for working on  
> the compiler on a Mac platform.  I know there are folk out there  
> that like the Mac -- I'm beginning to like it too, apart from  
> hiccups like this. Depending on the response, I'll be able to gauge  
> the priority of fixes for the issues that arise.
> -- Jon

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