Mac usage

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Wed Oct 3 11:44:10 PDT 2007

You can download and build the compiler as a jar file even now. Download the
langtools code, open the NetBeans compiler project and build it. You can use
Apple's Java 5 to build the OpenJDK compiler.

Note that this does not give you the full native launcher, which still 
lives in and
is built by the main JDK build.  But you can run this compiler in a 
number of ways,
such as "java -jar javac.jar", or via a small shell script that emulates 
javac, or
by putting the compiler jar file on your JVM bootclasspath.

However, to bring this back on topic, I was asking about the desire to 
use a Mac
from those developers who might be interested in _working_ on the 
compiler, as
compared to just using it.

-- Jon

Patrick Wright wrote:
> +1 from me, even if it just means compiler support to start with. The
> long release cycle from Apple is a killer, I have a MacBook with dual
> boot (and a VMWare image) with Ubuntu just to work with 6.0 features.
> Patrick

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