langtools in b20

Rémi Forax forax at
Mon Sep 24 09:42:33 PDT 2007

Jonathan Gibbons a écrit :
> On Sep 23, 2007, at 5:38 PM, Rémi Forax wrote:
>> no,
>> headers of files from 
>> seems more accurate than headers of files from 
> Thanks for the specific path names; I'' check this out, but it is more 
> likely that the langtools ones are the most accurate; they come from 
> the definitive internal (soon to be external) workspace.   Actually, 
> compiler/trunk should be deleted; I'll investigate having that done.
it is deleted, at least marked as deleted. I talk about the headers of 
the files just before being deleted.
>> ok, it's compile now, i've made "ant clean" and it's working
>> (almost because it seems i forget that    "byte data[]" is a valid 
>> field declaration,
>> but that is another story)
ok, this is corrected.
>> So i think there is a dependency problem with in the build.xml,
>> here is the use case:
>> 1) compile the whole repository
>>    "ant"
>> 2) patch the source file (here com.sun.source.tree.TreeVisitor)
>> 3) compile using ant
>>    -> some files in /build/bootstrap/classes/ are not recompiled
>>        so it fails
>> 3bis) use "ant clean; ant"
>>         it compiles
> OK, thanks; I'll try and recreate that scenario.  I'm guessing you 
> were adding methods to TreeVisitor, right?
> Stupid question, are you just running into the "standard" problem that 
> none of ant/make/javac does a proper job of dependency analysis?  If 
> you edit and recompile an interface or abstract class, ant will not 
> know to recompile any subtypes that might need recompiling?
no, this is not the standard case, i've patched the interface and all 
implementations so it should recompile supertype and subtypes.

> I'll really like to see this fixed; it would be a great application 
> for JSR199/269, to obtain and use accurate dependency info.
yes, it could be great, especially if it is integrated to ant.
> -- Jon


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