How do I compile javac?

Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Sun Sep 30 17:28:28 PDT 2007

The compiler is in the langtools part of the JDK source tree, and  
there is a Makefile and Ant file there (in langtools/make) that will  
compile just javac. You do not need the JDK 7 binary package, you can  
still use JDK 5 to build the compiler.

-- Jon

On Sep 30, 2007, at 3:08 PM, Joshua Hudson wrote:

> I downloaded the JDK 7 september source and binary packages.
> I installed the binary package.
> How can I compile just javac against the JDK 7 binaries I've  
> already installed.
> I have a mind to tinker with something.

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