
Jonathan Gibbons Jonathan.Gibbons at Sun.COM
Tue Feb 10 13:46:26 PST 2009


I am looking at your patches prepping them for a review.  If it's OK 
with you, I have fixed
the following minor issues:

- minor whitespace issues in
- add GPL2 copyright to new test file
- convert new test file to Unix line endings instead of Windows line endings
- clean up imports in new test file

This time round, I have accepted your .diff files and the new test .java 
file.  In future,
I think all contributions should be in the form of a single patch file, 
or a
file.  For a link to the webrev tool, see the new OpenJDK Code Review 
site at

-- Jon

Emil A. Siemes wrote:
> Ok. Cool. Thanks.
>    Emil
> Am 29.01.2009 um 22:34 schrieb Jonathan Gibbons:
>> Emil,
>> The ball is in our court at this stage to look at, review, approve 
>> and apply the patches.
>> -- Jon
>> Emil Siemes wrote:
>>> Hi Jon,
>>> I'm wondering how I get the patches to the next step (getting them 
>>> applied for the next build)? Is there something I can or need to do? 
>>> The diffs are vs. build 43. I think there was no change in build 44 
>>> for the patched files. Nevertheless shall I create new patches vs. 
>>> build 44?  
>>> Thanks 
>>>     Emil   

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