javap -c broken since b30

Martin Buchholz martinrb at
Mon Jul 13 11:49:42 PDT 2009

A followup:

Currently one still needs to supply -XDignore.symbol.file
to be able to use javap with jdk internal classes.
Even for me it's hard to remember this,
and it will be impossible for others to figure this out.

I think we will need to do something to make javap
"just work" before jdk7 ships, or this will be a fruitful
source of bug reports, since it appears to be an
"obvious" regression.


On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 09:01, Jonathan Gibbons <Jonathan.Gibbons at>wrote:

>  Martin,
> I agree with your report. javap isn't really behaving in
> this case as expected, but it's not entirely wrong either.
> There is indeed a new version of javap (complete rewrite)
> from b30. It handles all the latest attributes and annotations,
> etc. It fixes the majority of all outstanding javap bugs. It will
> also be significantly more maintainable going forward.
> It also uses the same mechanisms as javac to find classes
> -- there were a number of bugs against the javap classpath
> code.    And here is where the problem arises.   In the
> example you give, it is finding java.lang.String in ct.sym,
> and the version there does not have any Code attributes
> to dump.
> Like javac, you can give -XDignore.symbol.file to ignore ct.sym,
> and then I think you will find that the -c option behaves as
> expected.
> There is a new option coming up called -sysinfo. [It's currently
> stuck in CCC :-(]  With that option, you will be able to get "system"
> info about classes being dumped. This will include the path, size,
> last modified time, and an MD5 hash.
> In this case, it will give output like:
> $ dist/bin/javap -sysinfo java.lang.String
> Classfile
> jar:/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-!java/lang/String.class
> Last modified Sep 24, 2007; size 3629 bytes
> MD5 checksum 61b898f91e92a4ec4980ec7e93a3662b
> Compiled from ""
>     // etc
> -- Jon
> Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> A formal bug report would also get my attention, but this will do too.
> Consider my attention gotten.
> -- Jon
> On Jul 29, 2008, at 7:07 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
> (I hope this is the right mailing list to report javap bugs)
> Since jdk7-b30, a command line like
> javap -c java.lang.String
> no longer prints the disassembled bytecode of methods.
> Which would seem to be a P1 bug, at least for those of
> us who like to pore over javap output, trying to squeeze
> a bytecode here or there.
> Using linux-i586.
> Martin
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