Request for reviews (M): 6939134: JSR 292 adjustments to method handle invocation

John Rose john.r.rose at
Wed Mar 31 16:02:48 PDT 2010

This review request is specifically for JVM changes.  They will be coordinated with the following JDK and javac changes:


6939134: JSR 292 adjustments to method handle invocation
Summary: split MethodHandle.invoke into invokeExact and invokeGeneric
Mark the special signature-polymorpic methods and classes with @PolymorphicSignature.
Reviewed-by: ?

The JSR 292 EG has decided to split MethodHandle.invoke into two
methods, invokeExact and invokeGeneric.  Adjust javac so that it uses
a marker annotation (@PolymorphicSignature) to recognize which methods
are signature-polymorphic.  Remove hard-coded recognition of
MethodHandle.invoke and InvokeDynamic.

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