Translate Java keywords and Arabic Java

Waleed Oransa woransa at
Mon Nov 1 05:15:23 PDT 2010

Any response ?

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 11:52 PM, Waleed Oransa <woransa at> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I would like to know if translation of Java keywords is possible and where
> should I start to do so. I assume that the keywords are listed some where
> and what I am looking for is to provide Arabic Java for kids to learn Java
> in Arabic.
> Of course this can be done using simple replacement tool that replace the
> Arabic translation of Java keywords with the correct Java keywords (in
> English), but I thought if this can be done in JDK compiler will be better
> and easier, also it can provide out of the box support in Eclipse and other
> IDEs.
> I am address this technical question to this mail list but I would
> appreciate if any one can help me in the legal issue and if this is possible
> to base Arabic Java JDK on Open JDK without legal issue or not.
> Again, I think this is aligned with Oracle recent initiative in Java One to
> allow more languages to be used with the Java platform (if we consider
> Arabic Java is a new language !!).
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