Another possible generics bug

Richard Warburton richard.warburton at
Mon Dec 5 14:36:39 PST 2011


"A declaration d of a type named n shadows the declarations of any other 
types named n that are in scope at the point where d occurs throughout 
the scope of d."

Which suggests to me that in the following example, the inner class T 
should be the type of the field 'q'.

class Test<T> {
     class T { }
     T q;

     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {


This example compiles fine under both ecj and javac.  In ecj Test.T is 
picked as the type for q, in javac the generic parameter <T> is picked.  
Is this a bug, or have I misread the specification?

I'm using the following version:

Javac version = 1.7.0_147
eclipse build number = 20110916-0149 (Indigo service release 1)



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