Compiler binds base class incorrectly (shortcoming of base class circularity spec)

Neal Gafter neal at
Tue Feb 8 00:57:11 PST 2011

Javac (any version) compiles the following code without error, but when Main
is run it prints "X.Q" instead of "A<T>.X.Q" as required by the language
specification.  I think this is really a shortcoming of the specification
for circular class declarations, but demonstrating my point is easier if I
just start by reporting it as a compiler bug.

*class A<T> {
  static class X {
    static class Q {
      public static void main() {

class B extends A<B.Y.Q> {
  static class Y extends X { } // X here is inherited from A

class X {
  static class Q {
    public static void main() {

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
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