Documentation for -source option in javac man pages is wrong in JDK 7 and 8

Jim Holmlund james.holmlund at
Wed Nov 16 11:49:16 PST 2011

Ok, thanks Raymond. Yes, I presume that the default for JDK 8 will be 1.8.
- jjh

On 11/16/2011 10:48 AM, raymond gallardo wrote:
> Hi Jim,
> This is from the repository:
> *-source* /release/
>     Specifies the version of source code accepted. The following values for /release/ are allowed:
>     *1.3*
>         The compiler does /not/ support assertions, generics, or other language features
>         introduced after Java SE 1.3.
>     *1.4*
>         The compiler accepts code containing assertions, which were introduced in Java SE 1.4.
>     *1.5*
>         The compiler accepts code containing generics and other language features introduced in
>         Java SE 5.
>     *5*
>         Synonym for 1.5.
>     *1.6*
>         No language changes were introduced in Java SE 6. However, encoding errors in source files
>         are now reported as errors instead of warnings as in previous releases of Java SE.
>     *6*
>         Synonym for 1.6.
>     *1.7*
>         This is the default value. The compiler accepts code with features introduced in Java SE 7.
>     *7*
>         Synonym for 1.7.
> It appears that I've made the change for the *-source */*release* /option for both Solaris and 
> Windows in the latest 7u documentation.
> However, I'll make the change to the jdk8 docs regarding the default (I'm assuming it's 1.8 ?)
> FYI: The Windows and Solaris versions of the javac.html file are different. The Linux version is 
> the same as the Solaris one.
> Thanks for raising this issue,
> Raymond
> On 16/11/2011 12:46 PM, Jim Holmlund wrote:
>> Raymond, Nico points out that this doc:
>> says that 1.6 is the default for -source.
>> Did you happen to fix this when you fixed 7085370?
>> - jjh
>> On 11/15/2011 5:29 PM, Nico R. wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> in JDK 7, the man Linux/Solaris page for javac
>>> (jdk7/jdk/src/linux/doc/man/javac.1 and
>>> jdk7/jdk/src/solaris/doc/sun/man/man1/javac.1) says that 1.6 is the
>>> default value for -source. However, compiling a simple test program
>>> which uses features from version 7 works fine. If I use ‘-source 1.6’ or
>>> ‘-source 6’, it fails. With ‘-source 7’, it works again.
>>> These facts and the value of ‘DEFAULT’ in
>>> jdk7/langtools/src/share/classes/com/sun/tools/javac/code/
>>> suggest a documentation bug: the text “This is the default value. ”
>>> should be moved from the description for -source 1.6 to 1.7.
>>> Seems that it was forgotten to update the documentation for -source
>>> before the JDK 7 release; the documentation for -target looks up to date.
>>> The man page for JDK 8 needs to be updated accordingly (DEFAULT is
>>> JDK1_8 in this case).
>>> The javac documentation on the web (…/solaris/… and …/windows/…) is also
>>> affected. Is the javac for Windows documentation generated from the man
>>> page?
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