Acces to private field from nested class when the type of reference is a generic type variable with upper bound of outer class

Peter Levart peter.levart at
Fri Oct 7 12:29:38 PDT 2011

This code compiles with latest JDK 6 javac:

package test;

public class Outer
    private int outerField;

    public Outer(int outerField)
        this.outerField = outerField;

    public static class Inner<O extends Outer>
        public int getOuterField(O outer)
            return outer.outerField;

    public static void main(String[] args)
        Outer outer = new Outer(12);
        Inner<Outer> inner = new Inner<Outer>();

... but refuses to compile with JDK 7 javac (release or latest 7u2-b08 prerelease), giving the 
following compilation failure:

src/test/ error: outerField has private access in Outer
            return outer.outerField;

even if tried with -source 1.6 -target 1.6 options.

Is this intentional or a bug?

Regards, Peter

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