Review request: 8003562: Provide a command-line tool to find static dependencies

Ulf Zibis Ulf.Zibis at
Fri Dec 14 06:13:18 PST 2012

Am 14.12.2012 11:47, schrieb Ulf Zibis:
> Am 14.12.2012 03:15, schrieb Mandy Chung:
>>> JDepsTask:111
>>> Did you mean --summary?
>> Yes will fix it.
> Why don't you remain consistent to all other existing java tools?
> E.g. javac uses: -cp path or -classpath path
> Double hyphen '--' is never used until today.
> So better:
>   -P  -profile            Show profile or the file containing a package
>   -R  -recursive          Traverse all dependencies recursively
> Anyway, if you prefer to stick at '--', then you should consistently use it for '--version', 
> '--classpath', '--all'

Maybe I'm in error, but additionally it seems to me, that "-classpath=Foo" doesn't match by:

                if (a.equals(opt)) {
                    return true;
                } else if (opt.startsWith("--") && hasArg && opt.startsWith(a + "=")) {
                    return true;


>>>>>>   -version                 Version information
>>>>>>   -classpath <path>        Specify where to find class files
>>>>>>   -summary                 Print dependency summary only
>>>>>>   -v:class                 Print class-level dependencies
>>>>>>   -v:package               Print package-level dependencies
>>>>>>   -p <package name>        Restrict analysis to classes in this package
>>>>>>                            (may be given multiple times)
>>>>>>   -e <regex>               Restrict analysis to packages matching pattern
>>>>>>                            (-p and -e are exclusive)
>>>>>>   -P  --profile            Show profile or the file containing a package
>>>>>>   -R  --recursive          Traverse all dependencies recursively
>>>>>>   -all                     Process all classes specified in -classpath

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