Declaration and references for a variable

Antonio Tancredi nazareno.tancredi at
Tue Nov 13 12:21:08 PST 2012

I'm trying to collect some information about variables in a Java source 
file, using the openjdk 7 compiler.
What I want to do is: save the AST node for the variable's declaration 
and keep a list of all references to this variable (a list of JCTree).
If the variable is declared inside the Java file that I'm inspecting 
it's easy because I can save the declaration and references in a map 
while visiting the AST, using the symbol as key (see my other message of 

The problem is when the file contains references to a variable declared 
somewhere else in the sourcepath.
My idea is: create a new TaskListener (let's call this object "t"), wait 
for the TaskEvent.Kind.ANALYZE event and save the 
TypeElement/CompilationUnitTree pair.
After this, I have all the compilation units needed by the source file 
that I'm inspecting. Every compilation unit is identified by the 
TypeElement (it will always be a ClassSymbol).
After the visit of my visitor, I have all symbols/variables with at 
least one reference or declaration.
For each symbol "s" that has no declaration I may assume that the 
related variable was defined inside another compilation unit, so I can 
do this:

// find s inside the right comp. unit
JCVariableDecl decl = finderVisitor.findDecl(s, t.getCompUnit( 

Will this approach work? There's an easier/better way to do this?

Another question: the attribute phase call the 'started' method of the 
task listener, but it doens't call the "finished" method. Why?

Thank you so much.

Antonio Tancredi

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