RFR [JDK8]: 7153951: -Xlint:auxiliaryclass

Fredrik Öhrström fredrik.ohrstrom at oracle.com
Tue Oct 23 11:47:39 PDT 2012

23 okt 2012 kl. 20:29 skrev Jonathan Gibbons:
> Maybe so, but you are relying on unspecified behavior.  The tag spec says:
> The first token in the leading comment in the defining file of a test must be
> "@test".  The harness discovers defining files by looking for such tokens.  A
> file without comments is not a defining file.  A file whose leading comment
> does not start with "@test" is not a defining file.

Undoubtedly a bad specification, but also a bad implementation that does
not follow the bad specification. Oh well, will move the comment.

> OK, but you still have no tests that verify the correct messages are being generated.

I believed that this test:
does exactly that. Does it not?


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