RFR [JDK8]: 7153951: -Xlint:auxiliaryclass, approved if you fix issue

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at oracle.com
Thu Oct 25 19:26:52 PDT 2012


I'm sorry, I missed this before, but in your tests, @clean takes a class 
name, not a file name, so you should not include ".class" after each 
class name.

Fix that, and I approve the changes.  If you need me to push the changes 
for you, I can do that.

-- Jon

On 10/25/2012 07:17 AM, Fredrik Öhrström wrote:
> 2012-10-23 21:08, Jonathan Gibbons skrev:
>> The primary purpose of the diags/examples tests are to provide a 
>> simple example of each of the diagnostics in context, for the benefit 
>> of reviewers, and the localization team, to see the sort of program 
>> that can trigger the diagnostic.  While there is some 
>> self-consistency checking to ensure that the declared keys are 
>> generated, there is no check on the overall diagnostic, such as the 
>> file being reported, the position within the file, any arguments for 
>> the diagnostic, and so on. It is also a non-goal of the 
>> diags/examples area to provide exhaustive coverage of the different 
>> ways that the diagnostic may be generated.
>> The standard way of providing more complete test coverage for 
>> diagnostics is to make sure that every test that uses "@compile/fail" 
>> also specifies a golden file for the diagnostics. Since the golden 
>> file can potentially depend on external or somewhat unrelated factors 
>> like the absolute path of the source file, or the exact text of the 
>> error message, we use the -XDrawDiagnostics option to print out the 
>> salient details of the diagnostic, in a way that is independent of 
>> those external factors.
>> Thus, any test containing @compile/fail should use a line like
>>     @compile/fail/ref=Test.out -XDrawDiagnostics Test.java
>> adding in additional options, or changing the file names as needed.
> Comment split and out files added for verification using /ref=, please 
> verify:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~ohrstrom/webrev-7153951-auxiliaryclass-v7/
> //Fredrik

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