Review request for JDK-8020745: Suspicious MethodParameters attribute generated for local classes capturing local variables

Alex Buckley alex.buckley at
Mon Aug 19 17:28:34 PDT 2013

The test is very confusing. Two classes with 
main methods in the same compilation unit?!

Bug 8020745 indicates a mismatch between parameter names and types, but 
this test only checks names. Rather than relying on the order of names 
from the JVM to match the 'names' array, you should match up names and 
types explicitly.

List is a bad name for a helper class, and the @summary is not very helpful.

Most importantly, there are no anonymous classes here - List is a local 
class. The test should have an anonymous class too - in fact, an 
anonymous class whose superclass is not inner and an anonymous class 
whose superclass is inner. (See the notes in 8misc.pdf 2.2 8.8.9 for why 
that matters.)


On 8/19/2013 4:31 PM, Eric McCorkle wrote:
> Hello,
> Please review this patch, which causes captured locals to be added to
> the end of a MethodParameters attribute, like they should.
> The webrev is here:
> The bug report is here:
> This review is also on the new Crucible system.
> Thanks,
> Eric

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