javac: ending positions generation and DiagnosticListener

Per Bothner per.bothner at
Fri Dec 6 14:39:37 PST 2013

On 12/06/2013 01:41 PM, Per Bothner wrote:
> This code was written by Charles Turner (as a Google Summer of Code
> student),
> based on my design/suggestions.  The Kawa project (led by me) would be
> happy
> to donate this class as a much-more efficient re-implementation of
> SimpleEndPosTable.  (If there is interest, as a courtesy I'll check with
> Charles.)

Charles replied:

On 12/06/2013 02:30 PM, Charles Turner wrote:> Hey Per,
> On 06/12/13 22:09, Per Bothner wrote:
>> I assume you're cool with that - after all it wouldn't hurt to be able
>> to say you've contributed code to javac!
> That's absolutely fine. Certainly would be cool :D
> Hope you're well,
> Charles.
	--Per Bothner
per.bothner at   per at

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