Extending JavaCompiler

Antonio Tancredi nazareno.tancredi at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 11:45:34 PDT 2013

Good morning,
I hope you can help me with a tricky situation with JDK7 langtools.

I'm trying to extend the compiler behaviour in order to collect some

* the text of literals (for istance, I want to know if in the source code
there's 'long a = 10l' or 'long a = 10L')
* the attributed AST of each parsed source file

It was quite easy to extend the scanner and override the metod "public void
nextToken()" to get the raw characters of the literal token. After this, I
extended the parser, in order to get the lexer.
Also, I created a class that extends JavaCompiler with a metod that

"Queue<Env<AttrContext>> attribute(Queue<Env<AttrContext>>)"

and saves the results (here, I have every attributed AST created by the
I overrid the parse metod so I can save, in a map, the parser that parsed
that java file object (in this way, later, for each sourcefile, I can
retrieve the lexer).

Everything works fine until something in the classpath need to process
In this method:

JavaCompiler @ initProcessAnnotations(Iterable<? extends Processor>)

the variable "procEnvImpl" is initialized and "processAnnotations" become
Inside this method:

JavaCompiler @ processAnnotations(List<JCCompilationUnit>, List<String>)

there's this statement "procEnvImpl.doProcessing" that creates a new
JavaCompiler (using the Round object), that is returned as a delegate
compiler. This delegate compiler (which is an istance of JavaCompiler) go
ahead with the other phases (using ATTR_ONLY policy, only with attribute

The workaround is this one:

void initProcessAnnotations(Iterable<? extends Processor>) {}

in my compiler class, but it's too dirty to keep it.

There's any way I can have an istance of my compiler class everytime?


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