Nested generics don't compile in 1.7.0_15, but do in 1.6.0_27.

Dzmitry Lazerka dlazerka at
Mon Mar 11 10:02:33 PDT 2013

By the way, override wouldn't work, and I don't see any workaround: error: AlertController is not abstract and does
not override abstract method getModelClass() in BaseController
class AlertController extends BaseController<Alert<?>> {
^ error: getModelClass() in AlertController cannot
override getModelClass() in BaseController
    Class<Alert> getModelClass() {
  return type Class<Alert> is not compatible with Class<Alert<?>>
  where M is a type-variable:
    M extends HasId<String> declared in class BaseController
2 errors

Best regards,
Dzmitry Lazerka

On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 3:41 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore <
maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:

>  Hi,
> (cc'ing Alex)
> if you do:
> class AlertController extends BaseController<Alert<Object>>
> or
> class AlertController extends BaseController<Alert<?>>
> The code and the override should compile.
> Said that, the behavior in JDK 7 is deliberate - the supertypes of a raw
> type are all erased, which means the supertype of Alert is just HasId and
> not HasId<String> as you would expect. This is the result of this fix:
> Alex, can you comment on this? JLS section on raw types (4.8) only says
> that the supertypes of a raw type are the erasure of such sypertypes - it
> doesn't say this should be applied transitively. Also, Definition of type
> erasure (4.6) doesn't say anything about supertypes.
> The rationale behind the fix for 6559182 is that all supertypes of a raw
> type should be erased - which seems a fair assumption when looking at the
> examples in 6559182 - however, should those two cases be treated
> differently:
> Case A:
> class Foo<X> { }
> class SubFoo<X> extends Foo<String> { }
> SubFoo sf = ...;
> Case B:
> class Foo<X> { }
> class FooString extends Foo<String> { }
> class SubFoo<X> extends FooString { }
> SubFoo sf = ...;
> In other words, is the fact that example (B) is using an intermediate
> supertype that is not parameterized (but has parameterized supertype)
> enough top warrant special treatment?
> Maurizio
> On 11/03/13 03:25, Dzmitry Lazerka wrote:
> Hi,
>  class HasId<I> {}
> class HasStringId extends HasId<String> {}
> class Alert<T extends /*Some*/Object> extends HasStringId {}
> class BaseController<M extends HasId<String>> {
>     // abstract Class<M> getModelClass();
> }
> class AlertController extends BaseController<Alert> { // error here
>     // @Override Class<Alert> getModelClass() {
>     //     return Alert.class;
>     // }
> }
> compiles fine on OpenJDK6, but in OpenJDK7 gives:
> error: type argument Alert is not within bounds of
>     type-variable T
> class Controller extends BaseController<Alert> {
>                                         ^
>   where T is a type-variable:
>     T extends HasId<String> declared in class BaseController
>  Note that there's rawtype warning at line 50, because Alert must be
> parameterized. If I do that, e.g. extends BaseController<Alert<Object>>,
> code compiles. But I cannot do that, because I need to implement
> getModelClass().
>  Ubuntu 12.04.
>  Is it a bug in 1.7.0_15? Can you suggest any workarounds?
> -----
> Best regards,
> Dzmitry Lazerka
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