Ship jdk7 ct.sym with jdk8?

Joel Borggrén-Franck joel.franck at
Wed Mar 13 13:44:01 PDT 2013

On Mar 13, 2013, at 7:24 PM, Joe Darcy <joe.darcy at> wrote:

> On 3/12/2013 1:47 AM, Joel Borggrén-Franck wrote:
>> Why? It is just a file. If we want to make javac a more robust cross compiler (and I think we should) we should fix the logistics until we can do what we want.
> As a rule, the JDK Hg repos do *not* include binary files, just source files. Therefore, there could be logistical issues in simply storing the old ct.sym files in the repo. We'd ultimately want to use some kind of implicit or explicit diff-based compression of the cross-version information.

Or just inject the file at product build time, I take it for granted we can keep a reference implementations of our N-1 product in a stable enough location for this not to be an issue.

Our infrastructure is what we make it to be. If it doesn't suit our purposes we should change it until it does. Also rules are there to suit or needs, if they are outdated we should change them.

That being said, there are multiple ways to solve this particular problem, lets focus on what we should do instead of what our infrastructure may or may not allow us to do.


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