Strange covariant/generics downcasting issue with JDK8

Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar vicente.romero at
Tue Nov 19 03:14:47 PST 2013

On 19/11/13 10:29, Mark Derricutt wrote:
> Hi Vicente,
> Thanks for the detailed response as to the whats/hows/whys of the problem. I guess the result is now not a "can't reproduce" but more a "won't fix"? From memory one of the responses to Liam's reported issues was to document in the release notes what Java 8 is now more strict/correct with regards to badly mixed raw-types?

I changed the bug resolution to "not an issue" because we are in sync 
with the spec. Regarding Liam's issue, yes this issue will be documented 
in the release notes. This will also cover the issue you reported.


> Cheers,
> Mark
> On 12 Nov 2013, at 10:13, Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar wrote:
>> I have been studying the code and the jar you sent. Thanks a lot
>>      for reducing the test case. The fact that this code works on 7 and
>>      fails in 8 it's a bug in 7. Because of this bug, some programmers
>>      may think that there is a regression in javac 8 provoking a
>>      compatibility issue with javac 7. This has also been detected by
>>      Liam Cushon who reported 3 cases related to this issue [1], a fact
>>      that you also mentioned in a previous mail.

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