[BUG] Missing error? blank final may not have been initialized

Jan Lahoda jan.lahoda at oracle.com
Wed Apr 9 12:13:35 UTC 2014

On 04/08/2014 11:24 PM, Raffaele Sgarro wrote:
> Hi Jan,
> I'm sure it's not a regression, and I agree this behavior is reasonable
> and nobody writes code like that - just wonder if it follows the spec or
> if the spec needs to be updated.
> I saw this code on a message board where the anonymous class (compiling)
> was contrasted with the lambda (not compiling). Moreover, it only showed
> up because, after the update to JDK8, NetBeans suggested the original
> author to replace the anonymous with a lambda - and the suggestion
> turned out to be a failure, because after the "translation" the code did
> not compile anymore.

I've opened a bug for NetBeans:
(Thanks for the report.)

> To me the contrast with the lambda is key here, because it's feels wrong
> the compiler behaves in two different ways. We all know lambdas and
> anonymous classes are totally different beasts, but the semantic is the
> same wrt this situation, while the compiler is inconsistent: it  screws
> because the blank final can be accessed before being assigned, but only
> if it's a lambda, not if it's an anonymous, despite the fact that both
> are instance fields, so can only be leaked before a ctor ends. I think
> arguing about the lambda machinary and other compiler internals doesn't
> buy anything to us in this case - I expect an explicit rule here, not
> reasons why javac might not be wrong in doing this and also might not be
> wrong in doing that even if the two are opposite behaviors

JLS 16.2.2 says:
A blank final member field V is definitely assigned (and moreover is not 
definitely unassigned) before the block (§14.2) that is the body of any 
method in the scope of V and before the declaration of any class 
declared within the scope of V.

So not generating the compile-time error for the access inside the 
anonymous innerclass' methods seems appropriate to me.


> 2014-04-08 18:37 GMT+02:00 Jan Lahoda <jan.lahoda at oracle.com
> <mailto:jan.lahoda at oracle.com>>:
>     On 04/08/2014 02:06 AM, Alex Buckley wrote:
>         The question for compiler-dev is not whether the DU/DA analysis
>         within
>         anonymous classes is reasonable, but whether there's been a
>         regression
>         in javac. I know Paul and Jan are working on DU/DA analysis at the
>         moment, maybe they could comment.
>     I don't think there is a regression in javac - I was able to compile
>     the provided code with "1.4.2_07" javac. Intuitively, considering
>     the methods declared in the anonymous innerclass to be outside of
>     the expression that contains the new instance expression itself
>     seems reasonable to me. Note that if the access is moved to the
>     initializer of the anonymous class, it is flagged as an error (which
>     makes sense to me).
>     Jan
>         Alex
>         On 4/7/2014 3:50 PM, Raffaele Sgarro wrote:
>             Hi Alex,
>             In fact, the lambda behavior is correct to me. Why do you
>             think it would
>             be unreasonable for the anonymous?
>             2014-04-08 0:09 GMT+02:00 Alex Buckley
>             <alex.buckley at oracle.com <mailto:alex.buckley at oracle.com>
>             <mailto:alex.buckley at oracle.__com
>             <mailto:alex.buckley at oracle.com>>>:
>                  I don't believe javac has ever given an error in this
>             case. It would
>                  be unreasonable to require 'data' to be definitely
>             assigned before
>                  the body of the anonymous class. OTOH, names in the
>             body of a lambda
>                  expression are specified as if they appear outside the
>             lambda
>                  expression, where 'data' would be definitely
>             unassigned, so an error
>                  is due there.
>                  Alex
>                  On 4/7/2014 10:02 AM, Raffaele Sgarro wrote:
>                      §16 states:
>                      For every access of a local variable or blank final
>             field x, x
>                      must be
>                      definitely assigned before the access, or a
>             compile-time error
>                      occurs.
>                      Consider the following code:
>                      class  Ideone{
>                               public  interface  Provider{  String
>               get();  }
>                               public  static  class  Outer{
>                                       private  final  String  data;
>                                       private  final  String  token;
>                                       private  final  Provider
>               secretProvider=  new
>                        Provider()  {
>                                               public  String  get()  {
>                                                       return  data;
>                                               }
>                                       };
>                                       public  Outer()  {
>                                               token=  secretProvider.get();
>                                               data=  "FOOBAR";
>                                       }
>                                       public  String  getToken()  {
>                                               return  token;
>                                       }
>                               }
>                               public  static  void  main(String[]  args)
>               throws
>                        java.lang.Exception  {
>                                       Outer outer=  new  Outer();
>               System.out.println(outer.____getToken());  //
>                      Prints null
>                               }
>                      }
>                      Note that if I used a lambda expression, instead,
>             javac would
>             have
>                      complained.

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