Webrev for making parts of TypeAnnotationPosition immutable

Eric McCorkle eric.mccorkle at oracle.com
Fri Jan 31 09:44:11 PST 2014

The following webrev implements a number of changes to
TypeAnnotationPosition.  It makes most of the core data immutable, and
changes the way that TypeAnnotationPositions are created.

As opposed to the zero-argument constructor with mutable fields,
TypeAnnotationPositions are now created using static methods.

This patch also marks some field and methods as deprecated (in
comments), as I plan to remove them in forthcoming patches.

One possibility that came up in review was making TypeAnnotationPosition
an abstract superclass, and having subclasses for each of the different

I also could not make some of the fields final (type_index,
exception_index, offset), as they are modified by Gen.  This is most
visible in the updated ClassReader.  I will be investigating ways to
deal with this in forthcoming patches.

The webrev is here:

This patch has already been reviewed by the javac team; however, I would
like to give a chance for any tools (such as checkers), that currently
use type annotations to run tests before I integrate it.  Please look
over the patch, and run any tests that should be run.

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