Change in behavior of in JDK 8 running with -proc:only ?

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Wed Mar 12 17:17:49 UTC 2014

This sounds like a possible bug, but I doubt it is related to -proc:only.

In JDK 8 javac, diagnostics are classified as "recoverable" or not, 
depending on whether a diagnostic could conceivably go away if an 
annotation processor is run. It is possible that "package does not 
exist" is not being marked as a recoverable error. The other possibility 
is that the message is coming out of the last round of anno processing 
(before -proc:only) is kicking in.

-- Jon

On 03/12/2014 03:00 AM, Boaz Nahum wrote:
> Thank you so much for your reply.
> The simplest file that fails to compile is like this:
> package wf.auto_testing_jsystem_tiny_test.tint_test;
> import amat.jsystem.bbs_params.annotation.BuildingBlock;
> import amat.jsystem.bbs_utils.infrastructure.BuildingBlockContext;
> public class TinyTest {
>     /**
>      * A dummy comment
>      */
>     @BuildingBlock
>     public static void loadBatchFromFile(BuildingBlockContext context, 
> String batchPath) throws Exception {
>     }
> }
> one of the error messages  is:
> *     ....\ error: package 
> amat.jsystem.bbs_utils.infrastructure does not exist
> *
> *     import amat.jsystem.bbs_utils.infrastructure.BuildingBlockContext;
> * ^
> As I mentioned in my question, it is expected error, because we don't 
> supply all the necessary compilation dependencies(we can't) .
> My question -again-, is That in JDK 7, it works perfect:
> The errors above are reported only via 
> (not printed to the console)
>*call returns true*.
> In JDK 8,
> Same errors are reported both via 
> and are printed to the console,
>*call returns false*.
> *In JDK 7*, If I omit '-proc:only', then I get the exact behavior *as 
> JDK 8*, that why I'm wondering, *maybe JDK 8 somehow ignore '-proc:only'*
> Thank again
> Boaz
> On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 8:24 PM, Jonathan Gibbons 
> <jonathan.gibbons at <mailto:jonathan.gibbons at>> wrote:
>     Boaz,
>     In JDK 8, javac is more aggressive about reporting errors (and
>     stopping the compilation) if the errors cannot be fixed by running
>     annotation processors. This should not be an issue if you are
>     using anno processors for generating code.
>     What sort of errors are you seeing in your compilation?
>     -- Jon
>     On 03/11/2014 08:27 AM, Boaz Nahum wrote:
>>     Hi
>>     I hope some can give me hint how anlyse our probelms with JDK 8.
>>     We use some code like this to do annotation processing (for
>>     generating code):
>>     JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task =
>>                     javaCompiler.getTask(null, fileManager,
>>     diagnostics, optionsAsList, null, compilationUnits);
>>                 BuildingBlockParamProcessor processor = new
>>     BuildingBlockParamProcessor();
>>                 List<Processor> processors = new ArrayList<Processor>();
>>                 processors.add(processor);
>>                 task.setProcessors(processors);
>>     if(!{ .... }
>>     The code we try to process won't be compile in regular
>>     environment - a lot of stuff is missing from classpath.
>>     But that is OK, we use '-proc:only' and we *thought* that this
>>     what allows us to ignore the errors.
>>     When we moved to JDK 8, the exact code fails,
>> returns false.
>>     *My question, is a possibilty that '-proc:only' is ignored in JDK 8 ?
>>     *
>>     *Or maybe there is by-design change regarding annotation
>>     processing that we need to be aware of ?
>>     *
>>     I want to mention that if the early EAP of JDK 8 , this code run
>>     without any problems.
>>     (Moving to annotation processing during compilation is big effort
>>     for us)
>>     Any tip/hint will be appreciatively accepted
>>     Thanks
>>     Boaz

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