Javac NPE

Benji Weber benji at
Fri Oct 17 19:06:23 UTC 2014

Hi Vicente,

Thanks. I was just confused by the statuses.

Bug does indeed seem to be fixed in the latest u40-ea snapshot (although
still present in u25)


On 17 October 2014 19:14, Vicente-Arturo Romero-Zaldivar <
vicente.romero at> wrote:

> Hi Benji,
> I closed the bug because it couldn't be reproduced with last javac code
> for 8 and 9 ( and
> If you can still
> reproduce the bug with any of these repos please notify it to us.
> Thanks,
> Vicente
> On 10/08/2014 04:47 AM, Benji Weber wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> There is an NPE in javac (8u20) that I am running into regularly. It's
>> quite a pain because it takes a considerable amount of time to track down
>> the offending code each time it occurs.
>> I filed a bug report with a simple test case, but after a few weeks in
>> the aether it appeared in JIRA as closed - not an issue. Any ideas why?
>> The comments suggest it is related to this other bug
>> - which was closed due
>> to lack of a test case, but I provided a short and complete testcase with
>> my report.
>> Do you think it is indeed a bug? How can I progress this now? I can't see
>> a way of creating a JIRA login to comment on the issues. Is it only open to
>> Oracle employees?
>> Many Thanks
>> --
>> benji
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