Possible javac bug around final and covariant overrides

Richard Warburton richard.warburton at gmail.com
Mon Oct 27 20:44:29 UTC 2014


IMO this is a bug. I have filed https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/
> browse/JDK-8042785 to track it.
> Thanks for your report,

Can I request a clarification for what's happened with this issue? It looks
like the following has happened:

1. The reported bug was fixed
2. There was a the fix, caused a regression elsewhere.
3. The fix was deleted.
4. The bug was closed with a claim the bug was unverified.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something here, but if the fix was reverted
then that means that the bug still remains an issue.


  Richard Warburton

  @RichardWarburto <http://twitter.com/richardwarburto>
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