Issue with hypothetical bridge methods and JDK-6342411

Liam Miller-Cushon cushon at
Mon Aug 3 21:26:32 UTC 2015

I think I found a bug in the interaction between 'hypothetical' bridge
methods and the workaround for JDK-6342411.

A hypothetical bridge method "is not strictly necessary in the binary, but
is represented in the symbol table to detect erasure clashes." [1]

Bridges are required to work around JDK-6342411 when a non-public super
class declares a public method that's inherited into a public derived
class. Without the bridge, reflectively invoking the method on the derived
class fails with `IllegalAccessException: can not access a member with
modifiers "public"`. [2][3]

The issue I found occurs when a bridge method candidate qualifies as a
hypothetical bridge *and* is necessary to work around JDK-6342411. The path
for hypothetical bridges wins, so the bridge is entered in the symbol table
but not generated in the binary, and attempts to invoke it reflectively

I've attached a patch with a regression test and a possible fix.

Here's the repro:

=== ./p/ ===
package p;

public interface I<T> {
  void f(T t);
=== ./p/ ===
package p;

public class B extends A<String> {}
=== ./p/ ===
package p;

class A<T> implements I<T> {
  public void f(T t) {}
=== ./ ===
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

public class Test {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Method m = Class.forName("p.B").getMethod("f", Object.class);
    m.invoke(new p.B(), new Object[]{null});

$ javac p/ p/ p/
$ java Test
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class Test can
not access a member of class p.A with modifiers "public"
        at sun.reflect.Reflection.ensureMemberAccess(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at Test.main(

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