TYPE_USE annotations on type parameter declarations

Michael Ernst mernst at cs.washington.edu
Wed Dec 9 01:09:16 UTC 2015

I have a question about use of TYPE_USE annotations on type parameter 

I did not expect this code to compile:

    @interface TU { }

    // This is surprising:
    public class TypeUseAtParameter<@TU T> {

because I thought that a @Target(TYPE_USE) annotation could not be written 
on the declaration of a type parameter.  In fact, javac (from JDK 8 or JDK 
9) accepts it.  See the attachment for a full, compilable test case.

Section says, "There are 16 type contexts (§4.11), all represented 
by the enum constant TYPE_USE of java.lang.annotation.ElementType.", and 
section 4.11 does not include a type parameter declaration as one of these 

Am I confused, or may there be a problem with javac?


-------------- next part --------------
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

@interface TU { }

@interface TP { }

// This is surprising:
public class TypeUseAtParameter<@TU T> {

// This is expected:
class TypeParameterAtParameter<@TP T> {

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