RFR (S) 8073550 : java* tools: replace obj.getClass hacks with Assert.checkNonNull or Objects.requireNonNull

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Thu Feb 26 11:13:26 UTC 2015

New patch and delta diff against previous patch. All test pass.


On 26/02/15 01:14, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> On 26/02/15 00:43, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
>> On 02/25/2015 04:25 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>> 3. In general, we should not depend on the javac internal Assert 
>>>> mechanism outside of javac.
>>> Uh - ok. Not sure I fully buy this - i.e. javadoc reuses 99% of 
>>> javac so I'm not sure what buys us not to use Assert mechanism there...
>> The com.sun.tools.classfile library is currently stand-alone, totally 
>> separate from javac. It has even been backported into JDK 6.   It 
>> seems wrong/unnecessary to introduce a new dependency on a minor 
>> javac utility class.
>> In separate, somewhat unrelated discussions, we have talked about 
>> doing more with the javac Assert mechanism, and possibly recording 
>> more of the execution environment, in a somewhat more formalized way. 
>> That would likely depend on support code in the javac Main program, 
>> where we catch and handle all the exceptions that might come out of 
>> the javac internals. javadoc does not share/reuse that part of javac.
>> Separately, the ongoing cleanup of the javac doclet API (JEP 221: 
>> http://openjdk.java.net/jeps/221) will significantly reduce javadoc's 
>> need to access javac internal API. So, it's good to keep the 
>> dependencies down.
> Good - will clean those up
> Maurizio
>> -- Jon

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