Introduce a compiler option to store generic type information about a lambda expression using the Signature Attribute

Remi Forax forax at
Wed Jan 7 16:21:17 UTC 2015

We (the lambda EG) discusses that issue last year,
as far as I remember, it was decided to not support generic signature in 
lambda proxy by default,
now I see no problem to make this information accessible through a flag.


On 01/07/2015 04:47 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> Hi Timo,
> thanks for the patch - if I'm not mistaken, this would be the very 
> first case in which a method marked with ACC_SYNTHETIC also gets a 
> signature attribute. I will consult with the rest of the team and see 
> if there's any objection.
> Cheers
> Maurizio
> On 07/01/15 15:22, Timo Walther wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> the Java Reflection API allows to access the generic signature of 
>> methods through the java.lang.reflect.Method#getGenericReturnType() 
>> method. However, this is not yet supported for Lambda expressions.
>> Given the following classes:
>> class Tuple2<F0,F1> {
>>   F0 field0;
>>   F1 field1;
>>   public Tuple2(F0 f0, F1 f1) {
>>     this.field0 = f0;
>>     this.field1 = f1;
>>   }
>> }
>> interface Map<IN, OUT> {
>>   OUT map(IN in);
>> }
>> Currently, there is no solution that allows to get further type 
>> information about expressions like:
>> Map<String, Tuple2<String, Integer>> map = (str) -> new Tuple2<>(str, 
>> 1);
>> System.out.println(getReturnType(map)) // can only print Tuple2 => 
>> information about the Tuple2's fields are always lost
>> Especially data-intensive runtimes (like Apache Flink[0] where I am 
>> working on) need as much type information as possible to be 
>> efficient. Therefore, we searched for a way to also extract type 
>> information from lambda expressions. Adding a generic signature to 
>> the generated "lambda$XXX" static methods (at least by using a 
>> compiler option) would be the perfect solution. It seems that the JVM 
>> Specification does not prohibit such an implementation. An 
>> implementation of a later extraction is described here[1].
>> The Eclipse JDT compiler team is introducing a compiler option 
>> "-genericsignature" with version 4.5 M4[2].
>> I have implemented a patch prototype. It can be found at: 
>> The patch postpones the type erasure of the lambda function's 
>> parameters after the generic descriptor has been saved in a newly 
>> introduced variable in MethodSymbol (if compiler option 
>> "-lambdasignature" is set). The contents of the variable is read in 
>> ClassWriter and written to method's Signature attribute in the 
>> classfile. Tests are also included.
>> No change to the class file format is required. The change is guarded 
>> by a compiler option, so without that addition, nothing should behave 
>> differently.
>> [0]
>> [1] 
>> [2]
>> Regards,
>> Timo Walther

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