Code (Pre-)Review for JEP 280: Indify String Concat
Claes Redestad
claes.redestad at
Wed Nov 25 00:07:28 UTC 2015
Hi Aleksey,
there are a number of internal strategy classes that will set up a
number of MethodHandles in bulk once initialized:
1561 private static final MethodHandle NEW_STRING,
1562 private static final MethodHandle NEW_ARRAY;
1563 private static final Map<Class<?>, MethodHandle>
PREPENDERS = new HashMap<>();
1564 private static final Map<Class<?>, MethodHandle>
LENGTH_MIXERS = new HashMap<>();
1565 private static final Map<Class<?>, MethodHandle>
CODER_MIXERS = new HashMap<>();
1580 for (Class<?> ptype : new Class<?>[]{boolean.class,
byte.class, char.class, short.class, int.class, long.class,
String.class}) {
1581 PREPENDERS.put(ptype,
lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, stringHelper, "prepend", int.class,
int.class, byte[].class, byte.class, ptype));
1582 LENGTH_MIXERS.put(ptype,
lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, stringHelper, "mixLen", int.class,
int.class, ptype));
1583 CODER_MIXERS.put(ptype,
lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, stringHelper, "mixCoder", byte.class,
byte.class, ptype));
1584 }
1586 NEW_STRING = lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP,
stringHelper, "newString", String.class, byte[].class, byte.class);
1587 NEW_STRING_CHECKED = lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP,
stringHelper, "newStringChecked", String.class, int.class, byte[].class,
1588 NEW_ARRAY = lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP,
MethodHandleInlineCopyStrategy.class, "newArray", byte[].class,
int.class, byte.class);
I'm wondering if these could be made more lazily initialized in manners
similar to how MethodHandleImpl and BoundMethodHandle were recently
updated, e.g.:
private static final ConcurrentMap<Class<?>, MethodHandle> PREPENDERS =
new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private static MethodHandle getPrepender(Class<?> ptype) {
return PREPENDERS.computeIfAbsent(ptype, new Function<Class<?>,
MethodHandle>() {
public MethodHandle apply(Class<?> ptype) {
// will throw AssertionError if ptype not in {boolean.class,
byte.class, char.class, short.class, int.class, long.class, String.class}
lookupStatic(Lookup.IMPL_LOOKUP, stringHelper, "prepend",
int.class, int.class, byte[].class, byte.class, ptype);
Some variants might be non-existent in a majority of programs, others
might not be needed early on, which could help reduce the footprint a bit.
On 2015-11-24 23:30, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for the review!
> Updated webrevs:
> More reviews, please :)
> Comments below:
> On 11/24/2015 05:16 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>>> On 19 Nov 2015, at 21:58, Aleksey Shipilev <aleksey.shipilev at> wrote:
>>> Webrev:
>> —
>> 134 if ("inline".equals(concat)) {
>> 135 allowIndyStringConcat = false;
>> 136 indyStringConcatConstants = false;
>> 137 } else if ("indy".equals(concat)) {
>> 138 allowIndyStringConcat = true;
>> 139 indyStringConcatConstants = false;
>> 140 } else if ("indyWithConstants".equals(concat)) {
>> 141 allowIndyStringConcat = true;
>> 142 indyStringConcatConstants = true;
>> 143 } else {
>> 144 Assert.error("Unknown stringConcat: " + concat);
>> 145 throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown stringConcat: " + concat);
>> 146 }
>> If you are in anyway inclined you could use a switch on concat.
> Yes, I was trying not to use (ahem) "new" language features in a
> language compiler. But it seems javac uses String switches everywhere.
> Fixed.
>> I have a marginal preference for an enum StringConcatStrategy with
> StringBuilder, Indy, IndyWithConstants values. But i will defer to other
> javac reviewers.
> I think string values are fine, also because -XD options seem to be
> Stringly-typed anyhow.
>>> Webrev:
>> My inclination would be to consolidate all the sys props under one doPriv block.
> Yes, done.
>> 200 private static final Map<Key, MethodHandle> CACHE;
>> ConcurrentMap? To make it clearer that this is operated on concurrently.
> Yes. Fixed.
>> 287 elements = new ArrayList<>(el);
>> 288 Collections.reverse(el);
>> 289 elementsRev = new ArrayList<>(el);
>> elementsRev = e1?
> Yes. Fixed.
>> It’s mildly surprising that there is no supported way to create a reverse view of a ListIterator.
>> 408 if (DEBUG) {
>> 409 System.out.println("StringConcatFactory " + STRATEGY + " is here for " + argTypes);
>> 410 }
>> No recursion! :-)
> Yeah, this code is exempted from Indified String Concat to avoid
> circularity ;)
>> 530 if (caller == null) {
>> 531 throw new StringConcatException("Lookup is null");
>> 532 }
>> 533
>> 534 if (name == null) {
>> 535 throw new StringConcatException("Name is null");
>> 536 }
>> 537
>> 538 if (argTypes == null) {
>> 539 throw new StringConcatException("Argument types are null");
>> 540 }
>> It’s odd to not see NPEs being used instead.
> Yes, should have used Objects.requireNonNull. The NPE exceptions would
> not ever fire if you invoke BSM through invokedynamic anyhow. Fixed.
>> Can the generated class extend from an existing compiled class or
>> reuse static method calls of another class? then it might be possible
>> to move ASM generation of debug code into java source code.
> In theory, it can, but I would like to avoid that. The debugging
> bytecode is not really complicated to warrant moving to a separate Java
> source file (which should probably required to be public to begin with)
> and blow up the implementation complexity. MethodHandle-based strategies
> already do something similar to what you are proposing, but they can use
> look up private methods.
>> Here is a wild thought, i dunno if it makes any difference.
>> U.defineAnonymousClass allows one to patch the constant pool, so the
>> string constants could be patched in.
> See! You can experiment with wild ideas like these after the
> infrastructure lands in JDK.
>> You seem to be hedging your bets about what static strategy to
>> choose. Do you intend to whittle down the strategies over time? Same
>> argument applies to caching. Some time before the JDK 9 release it
>> would be good to reduce the scope.
> My rationale for keeping all strategies untouched is based on the
> premise that most improvements in strategies would probably be some form
> of existing strategies, and having all strategies handy and tested
> simplifies improvements. Also, we may have to do a real-life experiments
> for choosing a better default strategy.
>> Do you anticipate it might be possible to reduce the scope of the
>> existing JIT optimisations?
> Yes, we don't need to extend OptimizeStringConcat heavily anymore, and
> once all the StringBuilder::append-shaped bytecode phases out of
> existence, we can drop the compiler optimization on the floor.
> Thanks,
> -Aleksey
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