Subtyping constraint and unchecked conversion
Georgiy Rakov
georgiy.rakov at
Fri Sep 11 18:06:32 UTC 2015
let's consider following example:
class MyList<T> { }
class Foo<T> { }
public class Test36 {
public static <U> MyList<U> m1(U item) {return null; }
public static <T extends Foo<Integer>>void m2(MyList<?extends T> l) { }
public static void run() {
m2(m1(new Foo()));
It compiles successfully on JDK9b80. However according to my
understanding compilation should fail, because:
1. Originally we have following bounds:
U <: Object;
T <: Foo<Integer>
and constraints:
Foo <: U
MyList<U> <: MyList<? extends T>
2. The last constraint is reduced as it follows:
MyList<U> <: MyList<? extends T> =>
U <= ? extends T =>
U <: T
3. When U <: T is created following transitivity chain appears:
Foo <: U, U <: T, T <: Foo<Integer>
so incorporating U <: T implies following constraint:
Foo <: Foo<Integer>
4. Since raw type is not a subtype of corresponding generic type
parameterization, and unchecked conversion is not applied here too,
compile time error should occur, but it doesn't. If it were a type
compatibility constraint then it will be reduced to true, but this is a
subtyping constraint.
Additionally, Xlint outputs following:
javac -Xlint:unchecked warning: [unchecked] unchecked method invocation:
method m2 in class Test36 is applied to given types
m2(m1(new Foo()));
required: MyList<? extends T>
found: MyList<Foo>
where T is a type-variable:
T extends Foo<Integer> declared in method <T>m2(MyList<?
extends T>)
1 warning
But it's not clear why unchecked conversion occurs here. What is
reported by Xlint is that the parameterized type is converted to another
paramterized type, the former has a raw type as its type argument but
it's not clear what spec assertions specify how unchecked conversion is
applied to these type arguments.
In general this looks like a javac bug. Could you please tell if it
really is.
Thank you,
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class MyList<T> { }
class Foo<T> { }
public class Test36 {
public static <U> MyList<U> m1(U item) { return null; }
public static <T extends Foo<Integer>> void m2(MyList<? extends T> l) { }
public static void run() {
m2(m1(new Foo()));
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