Fwd: RFR(m): 8145468 deprecations for java.lang

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Thu Apr 14 10:20:56 UTC 2016

Looks good - thanks!


On 14/04/16 02:59, Stuart Marks wrote:
> I've just posted the following review request to core-libs-dev. Some 
> of the warnings cleanup work occurs in the langtools repo, so it seems 
> that I should post it here as well. Please review.
> Thanks,
> s'marks
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject: RFR(m): 8145468 deprecations for java.lang
> Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2016 18:50:14 -0700
> From: Stuart Marks <stuart.marks at oracle.com>
> To: core-libs-dev <core-libs-dev at openjdk.java.net>
> Hi all,
> Please review this first round of deprecation changes for the 
> java.lang package.
> This changeset includes the following:
>  - a set of APIs being newly deprecated
>  - a set of already-deprecated APIs that are "upgraded" to 
> forRemoval=true
>  - addition of the "since" element to all deprecations
>  - cleanup of some of the warnings caused by new deprecations
> Webrevs:
>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/8145468/webrev.0.jdk/
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/8145468/webrev.0.langtools/
>   http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~smarks/reviews/8145468/webrev.0.top/
> The newly deprecated APIs include all of the constructors for the boxed
> primitives. We don't intend to remove these yet, so they don't declare 
> a value
> for the forRemoval element, implying the default value of false. The
> constructors being deprecated are as follows:
>   Boolean(boolean)
>   Boolean(String)
>   Byte(byte)
>   Byte(String)
>   Character(char)
>   Double(double)
>   Double(String)
>   Float(float)
>   Float(double)
>   Float(String)
>   Integer(int)
>   Integer(String)
>   Long(long)
>   Long(String)
>   Short(short)
>   Short(String)
> The methods being deprecated with forRemoval=true are listed below. 
> All of these
> methods have already been deprecated. They are all ill-defined, or 
> they don't
> work, or they don't do anything useful.
>   Runtime.getLocalizedInputStream(InputStream)
>   Runtime.getLocalizedOutputStream(OutputStream)
>   Runtime.runFinalizersOnExit(boolean)
>   SecurityManager.checkAwtEventQueueAccess()
>   SecurityManager.checkMemberAccess(Class<?>, int)
>   SecurityManager.checkSystemClipboardAccess()
>   SecurityManager.checkTopLevelWindow(Object)
>   System.runFinalizersOnExit(boolean)
>   Thread.countStackFrames()
>   Thread.destroy()
>   Thread.stop(Throwable)
> Most of the files in the changeset are cleanups. Some of them are 
> simply the
> addition of the "since" element to the @Deprecated annotation, to 
> indicate the
> version in which the API became deprecated.
> The rest of the changes are cleanup of warnings that were created by the
> deprecation of the boxed primitive constructors. There are a total of 
> a couple
> hundred such uses sprinkled around the JDK. I've taken care of a 
> portion of
> them, with the exception of the java.desktop module, which alone has 
> over 100
> uses of boxed primitive constructors. I've disabled deprecation 
> warnings for the
> java.desktop module for the time being; these uses can be cleaned up 
> later. I've
> filed JDK-8154213 to cover this cleanup task.
> For the warnings cleanups I did, I mostly did conversions of the form:
>    new Double(dval)
> to
>    Double.valueOf(dval)
> This is a very safe transformation. It changes the behavior only in 
> the cases
> where the code relies on getting a new instance of the box object 
> instead of one
> that might come out of a cache. I didn't see any such code (and I 
> should hope
> there's no such code in the JDK!).
> I applied autoboxing only sparingly, in the cases where it was an 
> obviously safe
> thing to do, or where nearby code already uses autoboxing. Autoboxing 
> actually
> generates a call to the appropriate valueOf() method, so the bytecode 
> would be
> the same in most cases. The only difference is clutter in the source 
> code. On
> the other hand, there's some risk in converting to autoboxing, as the 
> implicitly
> autoboxed type might end up different from an explicit call to 
> valueOf(). This
> isn't always obvious, so that's why I mostly avoided autoboxing.
> Thanks,
> s'marks

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