Question about submitting bugs

Jonathan Gibbons jonathan.gibbons at
Wed Feb 17 16:56:13 UTC 2016

On 02/17/2016 08:40 AM, Archie Cobbs wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a meta-question regarding filing compiler bug reports...
> Compiler questions and possible bug reports are often posted to this 
> list, but this list is obviously not meant to be a general triage area 
> for bug reports from the entire Java community, so I'm hesitant to 
> post occasional issues that crop up here.
> I've also noticed that the JDK bug submission form on 
> doesn't seem to really work any more... 
> I've submitted a couple of bug reports there lately but never heard 
> anything back (example 
> <>). 
> I have another one now but don't want it to be lost like the others.
> It also doesn't seem possible for mere mortals to create accounts on 
> So what is the correct procedure for non-compiler-developers to 
> productively report suspected compiler issues?
> Thanks,
> -Archie
> -- 
> Archie L. Cobbs


Thanks for asking.

You are correct that this is not an area to help debug users programs.  
The more you have reasonable cause to suspect that javac may not be 
behaving correctly, (or could reasonably be improved) and the more you 
can produce evidence, such as reproducible test cases, to back up your 
claim, the more interested folk will be in general. Ideally, test cases 
should be small, and should be "just pure javac" -- meaning, so simple 
there's no need to involve any build tools, unless you believe they are 
an inherent part of the problem.

If you file an issue on, and you don't hear back in a 
timely manner, you can try posting a reference here and we can help 
ensure the issue is migrated to

-- Jon
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