Question about submitting bugs
dalibor topic
dalibor.topic at
Wed Feb 17 23:41:37 UTC 2016
On 17.02.2016 19:11, Liam Miller-Cushon wrote:
> Usually I wait a few weeks and look up the review ID using my favourite
> search engine. It'd be helpful if there was an automated notification,
> or if the bugs could be assigned stable IDs from the beginning.
The incident IDs are stable and can be alternatively used to query JBS.
"Users without an account can also use to submit an issue.
When such an issue is submitted, a record is created in the Java
Incidents (JI) project in JBS; at the time of launch, the JI project is
not publicly visible. Issues in the JI project have an identifier like
JI-9XXXXXX, where the numeric portion corresponds to the bug identifier
sent back to the submitter. After an initial triage process, if the
incidents needs further review, it can be transferred to be an issue in
the JDK project. When such a transfer occurs, the issue gets a new
identifier in the JDK project (JDK-8YYYYYY) but references to the
original JI-9XXXXXX number will be redirected."
e.g. will redirect to
the corresponding issue in the JDK Project in JBS once it has been triaged.
dalibor topic
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