Question about submitting bugs

Balchandra Vaidya balchandra.vaidya at
Thu Feb 18 11:48:26 UTC 2016

Agreed. Update from to ( to in some places
happened in 8u72 and 9 through JDK-8133454 and in 9 through 
JDK-8081359.  Some more updates are on the


On 2/18/2016 5:25 AM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
> Of course, the reference to is a throwback to times past, 
> and should arguably be updated ;-)
> -- Jon
> On 02/17/2016 03:41 PM, dalibor topic wrote:
>> On 17.02.2016 19:11, Liam Miller-Cushon wrote:
>>> Usually I wait a few weeks and look up the review ID using my favourite
>>> search engine. It'd be helpful if there was an automated notification,
>>> or if the bugs could be assigned stable IDs from the beginning.
>> The incident IDs are stable and can be alternatively used to query JBS.
>> "Users without an account can also use to submit an 
>> issue. When such an issue is submitted, a record is created in the 
>> Java Incidents (JI) project in JBS; at the time of launch, the JI 
>> project is not publicly visible. Issues in the JI project have an 
>> identifier like JI-9XXXXXX, where the numeric portion corresponds to 
>> the bug identifier sent back to the submitter. After an initial 
>> triage process, if the incidents needs further review, it can be 
>> transferred to be an issue in the JDK project. When such a transfer 
>> occurs, the issue gets a new identifier in the JDK project 
>> (JDK-8YYYYYY) but references to the original JI-9XXXXXX number will 
>> be redirected."
>> e.g. will redirect to 
>> the corresponding issue in the JDK Project in JBS once it has been 
>> triaged.
>> cheers,
>> dalibor topic

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